A HR válasza a koronavírus-járvány okozta kihívásokra





COVID-19, HR solutions, labour market, Hungary 2020


COVID-19 has challenged the economy in a very short time. The current situation requires an unusual approach, a new creative attitude from the HR managers of companies. The goal of this article is to explore the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic and human resource management, the consequences of the pandemic on the labour market, and the links between the 2008–2009 financial crisis and the current pandemic situation, based on the management literature. The most significant part of this publication is the primary questionnaire research, which analyses the effects of the pandemic on HR based on responses from 404 organizations. The situation of the economy and job seekers during the coronavirus epidemic was examined, as well as HR-related reactions by size, sector, and form of ownership. Based on the results, the organizations made primarily reactive operational decisions. The biggest difference occurred in the SME sector and the large enterprise/multi sector.


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Author Biographies

Beáta Pató Gáborné Szűcs , University of Pannonia, Eötvös Loránd University

Associate Professor

Krisztina Dajnoki, University of Debrecen

Associate Professor

Klaudia Kovács , University of Pannonia

University student

Zsolt Sándor Kőműves, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Associate Professor

Judit Grotte, Budapest Metropolitan University

Associate Professor

Szilvia Szabó, Budapest Metropolitan University

Associate Professor

István Kunos, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor

Gabriella Metszősy, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer

Henrik Hegedűs, National University of Public Service

Associate Professor

Péter Karácsony, Eötvös Loránd University

Associate Professor

József Poór, J. Selye University

Full Professor


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How to Cite

Pató Gáborné Szűcs , B., Dajnoki, K., Kovács , K., Kőműves, Z. S., Grotte, J., Szabó, S., … Poór, J. . (2021). A HR válasza a koronavírus-járvány okozta kihívásokra. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(8-9), 2–17. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.09.01



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