Gamification in recruitment
Result of a discrete choice experiment
gamification, innovation, selection tool, HRAbstract
The changes in recent years – globalization, technological progress, and the pandemic – have created major challenges for organizations, and innovative HR tools are becoming increasingly important. Gamification can be used effectively in the practice of international organizations. The authors have investigated employee representatives’ degree of openness to trying an innovative gamified selection tool. Following a literature review, they present the details of their primary research, which was based on a discrete choice experiment. The results show that more than 80% of the respondents (n=205) are open to trying a gamified selection tool. The discrete choice modelling suggests that the respondents prefer more traditional approaches to the innovative job search solution under investigation, which is based on a video game. It can be suggested that gamification can be promoted through the presentation of good practices as a solution to the challenges mentioned above.
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