Hungarian leadership types and clusters created in the „habits” leadership and organisational excellence research program




leadership, excellence, organisational effectiveness, leadership types, HPO


The authors of the study look for answers to the question of the relationship between high organizational performance and certain behavioural components of a leader and what factors are the basis for the creation of distinct clusters of leaders in the Hungarian top management. The authors of the paper do not attempt to define leadership excellence at this stage but rather to identify possible links and test some of the subjective (human) and objective (market performance) variables that help to measure excellence. The main results include the identification of 9 leadership subtypes, which are: Tool User, Strategist, Perfectionist, Emotional Leader, Over-sensitive, Secretive, Marketing Oriented, Serene Hedonist and Survivalist. The 3 groups identified as a result of the cluster analysis are: Uncertain Empathiser, Emerging Purposeful, and Experienced Strategist.


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Author Biographies

Szilárd Berke, Óbuda University

associate professor

Gyopár Csapai,

research fellow

Zsolt Sándor Kőműves, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

associate professor

Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti, University of Győr

associate professor


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How to Cite

Berke, S., Csapai, G., Kőműves, Z. S., & Szabó-Szentgróti, G. (2025). Hungarian leadership types and clusters created in the „habits” leadership and organisational excellence research program. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 56(3), 29–44.



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