Menedzsmenttanácsadási trendek a szomszédos Szlovákiában globális és regionális tendenciák tükrében
consulting, development, Czechoslovakia, SlovakiaAbstract
In the introductory part of this article, the authors refer to the fact that consulting, this knowledge-based activity, can look back nearly 100 years ago. First, they review the basic concepts of consulting, and then they will outline the major steps in the development of business-like consulting. Then the authors point out the specific evolutionary steps of consulting in Czechoslovakia and in the independent Slovakia in light of global and regional trends. Here, of course, the development of Slovakia is described within the framework of the first (1919-1939) and the second (1945-1992) Czechoslovak Republic. In the rest of this article the authors will discuss the development of consulting in Slovakia in general, marketing, HR and other fields. In this article, they also discuss what customers think about consultants in light of an empirical research in 2018.
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