A szervezeti polgár magatartás és az észlelt szervezeti kultúra összefüggései a köz- és a versenyszféra munkavállalóinak körében





organizational citizenship behaviour, culture, adhocracy, clan, questionnaire


The aim of this study was to explore the statistical relationship between perceived organizational culture and organizational citizen behaviour among public and private sector employees. For this purpose, the authors used a questionnaire survey to collect primary data; testing was performed on a convenience sample. After receiving a total of 410 evaluable responses, data were analysed using non-parametric statistical tests. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between private sector employees’ organizational citizen behaviour and characteristics of all four perceived culture types. However, only the perceived clan and hierarchy culture traits are related to public sector respondents’ organizational citizen behaviour. The research also highlighted that all dimensions of organizational civic behaviour are higher in the public sector. Furthermore, the characters of market, adhocracy and clan culture are greater perceived by employees working in the competitive sector.


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Author Biographies

Anita Kozák, Eszterházy Károly University

Associate Professor

Krisztina Dajnoki, University of Debrecen

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kozák, A., & Dajnoki, K. (2021). A szervezeti polgár magatartás és az észlelt szervezeti kultúra összefüggései a köz- és a versenyszféra munkavállalóinak körében. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(1), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.1.02



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