About the Journal

The monthly published, peer-reviewed Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review (ISSN 0133-0179; Online ISSN 3057-9376) is the most significant journal in the field of business, management, and organizational studies in Hungary, published since 1970.  It is a general management journal, which includes studies on different aspects of organizations: structure, processes, and performance, and equally on cultural, behavioural, and technological subjects, and publishes papers that provide empirical findings or contribute to theory. Multidisciplinary research is highly valued, and papers that draw on the perspective and theoretical background of sociology, psychology, economics, political science, or communicational studies – as well as on business, management, and organization science are also appreciated.

We accept research at different levels of analysis: including individuals, groups, organizations, and networks in which organizations are embedded. Budapest Management Review publishes both empirical and theoretical papers but requires methodological rigor in every genre. If a manuscript applies a novel methodology, the author should make sure that the steps of the data collection and analysis are transparent and scientific.


Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review is a journal published by the Corvinus University of Budapest, a leading business school and university of social sciences in Hungary. The university's Vice Rector for Research is responsible for publication who appoints the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editorial Committee.

The journal is a signatory if DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment) and is committed to improve research and researcher assessment within our reach.

The publisher, Corvinus University of Budapest is a signatory of COARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment)

Business Model

Budapest Management Review is funded by the Corvinus University of Budapest via direct allowance and research grants. Full texts of all contents published in Budapest Management Review are accessible on its webpage free of charge (open access). The printed version of the newspaper is available for a subscription fee which covers the cost of printing and distribution. Special issues cover the direct costs of copyediting, printing and distribution (while thematic issues are part of the normal funding process). No author fees are charged. The journal does not accept advertising. The journal might accept donations from professional organisations or individuals, although not from sources that might create conflicts of interest or compromise the journal's ethical standards. All donations must be disclosed publicly and must not influence the editorial decisions, content, or peer review process of the journal.

Author Fees

It does not require from authors any fees or charges for manuscript processing or publishing materials in the journal or for any other purpose.

Access for Readers

The journal numbers and the individual articles are available digitally online, free of charge (from the Current Issue and Archive menu). Further information for readers: here.


Papers published in our journal are immediately available with full texts through our webpage and Corvinus Research, the institutional repository of Corvinus University of Budapest. Our web archives contain all issues since January 2020. Prior to that, articles published in Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review are available at the Corvinus Research repository.  In addition, the National Széchényi Library's Electronic Periodical Archive and Database (EPA) service also provides independent digital archiving of our journal issues.

Based on Hungarian publishing regulations on permanent and compulsory availability of all printed issues of scientific journals, all the printed issues of Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review are available in the most important libraries (appointed by regulations) in Hungary, including National Széchényi Library as the primary place of collection.