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Digitális átalakulás, szolgálatosodás, vevőkapcsolatok egy szerződéses gyártó példáján keresztül
digitalization, servitization, interaction, contract manufacturingAbstract
This paper deals with the relatedness of digital transformation, customer relationships and servitization in the context of contract manufacturing in Hungary. From an interactive point of view, this paper discusses digital transformation in inter-organizational relationships as an evolutionary process between contract manufacturers and their customers. A qualitative, case-study method was used for a single case. Components of the digital transformation process reflected the seller’s ability to solve problems and fulfil the customers’ needs. The two groups of strategic drivers are the purpose of fulfilling customer expectations and the efforts to increase efficiency. Customer expectations contribute, not only to the problem-solving ability, but also to decrease the uncertainty of the contract manufacturer. Efforts to increase efficiency contribute to fulfilment ability and decrease uncertainty of the contract manufacturer.
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