A fogyasztói etnocentrizmus idegi korrelációi
Neuromarketing-kutatás az ismertség által okozott implicit agykérgi aktivitásmoduláció vizsgálatára
consumer behavior, consumer neuroscience, neuromarketing, consumer ethnocentrismAbstract
The neural correlates of consumer ethnocentrism were investigated in 16 volunteers using a block-design fMRI paradigm. Stimulus presentation (i.e. the main effect of stimulation blocks), showed the expected strong bilateral occipital, occipito-temporal and lower-temporal lobe activations consistent with the ventral stream of visual processing. Moreover, the authors observed positive modulation effect related to stimulus familiarity in the anterior cingular cortex (ACC), and negative modulation effects in the lower aspect of the left temporal lobe and bilaterally in the postcentral gyri. Their findings shed light on the neurological background of familiarity, which allows them to better understand the underlying neurological processes behind consumer decisions.
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