Online vásárlási folyamat hatékonyságának növelése
Két webáruház használhatóságának összehasonlítása szemmozgáskövetéssel
task complexity, eye tracking, website usability, efficiencyAbstract
Eye tracking research has become an important research tool in the field of web usability. The aim of the research was to compare the usability of two webshops using different methodologies (eye movement tracking, qualitative interview, questionnaire) and reveal the usability problems in the online shopping decision process. In this research, the authors investigate how the task complexity affects the usability of the website. They compared the effectiveness of two online toy webshops with eye tracking testing simple and more complex task. The results were also analysed using qualitative and quantitative approach. The findings of the research show that there are many usability problems for both websites. The authors highlight the importance of combining multiple research methods during website usability testing.
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