A new impetus for the use of PLS-SEM in business research

A Hungarian status report on the application of sem methodology, a glossary, and a breakdown of methodological barriers





research network, SEM, structural equation modelling


Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a popular multivariate analysis tool in marketing research that makes it possible to estimate both latent variables and their relationships. Variance-based (PLS) and covariance-based (CB) approaches are equal analysis methods based on recent methodological developments in PLS-SEM. The present study aims to eliminate the assumed methodological barriers of PLS-SEM and provide the domestic scientific community with a unified glossary and set of terms. The second part of the study examines SEM-related management articles published between 2016 and 2020. A distribution and thematic analysis revealed that the higher the prestige of the journal, the higher the SEM-publication ratio. Also, neither the chosen SEM methodology nor the analytics software were specified. Finally, a visualisation of research networks indicated that just a few scientific communities applied an SEM methodology in their research.


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Author Biographies

Ildikó Kemény, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor

Zsuzsanna Kun, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD Candidate

Judit Simon, Corvinus University of Budapest

Professor Emerita

Nikoletta Kulhavi, Corvinus University of Budapest

master student

Jörg Henseler, University of Twente



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How to Cite

Kemény, I., Kun, Z., Simon, J., Kulhavi, N., & Henseler, J. (2023). A new impetus for the use of PLS-SEM in business research : A Hungarian status report on the application of sem methodology, a glossary, and a breakdown of methodological barriers. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(1), 2–13. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2023.01.01



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