A feldolgozóipari munkavállalók munkaerő-megtartása
employee retention, human resources management, engagementAbstract
One of the biggest challenges of recent years was labor shortage. The world was severely disrupted by the global pandemic, changing the centres of employment. In this study, the authors examined the dimensions of employee retention before the pandemic, when labor shortages where aggravated by increasing labor turnover. A well-structured employee retention strategy plays a great role in the functionality of companies, while a wrongly managed one can lead to amplified employee turnover. The analysis of employee retaining strategies was selected as the main topic of this study by the authors. In their research, the main goal was to find out which means can lead to increased employee loyalty most effectively, and can serve as the foundation of an effective employee retaining strategy. The results of the research verified that loyalty can’t be increases solely by financial means, and the best results could come from improving working conditions, and the attitudes of leaders. To maintain employment, being respected, constructive atmosphere of the workplace, appropriate leadership style, and the stability of employment are the most important factors for workers.
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