A fenntarthatósági átmenet kihasználatlan erőforrásai

Egy marketingiparági backcasting folyamat tanulságai





sustainability, marketing communication, backcasting, utopian thinking, equilibrium theory of wisdom


An increasing emphasis is currently placed on the role of different industries in social and ecological transformations. In a 2018 participatory backcasting project, the largest Hungarian marketing communications agency envisioned the future of their industry. Backcasting is a scenario building framework that builds on a normative vision of the future. Without framing discourses, the focus on the role marketing can play in a sustainability transformation shifted. The project provides an example of providing adequate space for employees in “polluting” industries to channel their aspirations on positive social impact and manage tensions on potential negative impacts. They can thus contribute to sustainability transitions and, by reducing personal dissonance, the industry can prevent the loss of its socially responsible members. By sharing this project experience, the present paper contributes to the discourse on making business and social models more sustainable.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Köves, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor

Gábor Király, Budapest Business School

Full Professor


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How to Cite

Köves, A., & Király, G. (2022). A fenntarthatósági átmenet kihasználatlan erőforrásai: Egy marketingiparági backcasting folyamat tanulságai. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(2), 2–14. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.02.01



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