A szolgáltató robotok definiálása és alkalmazási lehetőségei az üzleti szervezetekben
Szisztematikus irodalmi áttekintés
service robot, robot workforce, robot worker, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0Abstract
Service robots are able to perform increasingly sophisticated tasks, both in terms of physical and cognitive activities. Demand for them is growing globally, well supported by projections that by 2025, 85 percent of consumer interactions will take place without human employees. The introduction of service robots is thus becoming more common in various industries. The aim of this article is to define service robots and to review their application possibilities, for which the authors conducted a systematic literature search. In this article, after the introduction, the authors present the method of literature research, then they define the concept of service robots by synthesizing the definitions found in the reviewed literature and summarize the jobs that could be filled by service robots and the tasks they can perform.
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