Felhasználói tapasztalatok Emmával, a vásárlási asszisztens chatbottal
human-chatbot interaction, chatbot, shopping assistant chatbot, e-commerce chatbot, social relationship needsAbstract
The use of chatbots is proving successful in more and more areas, including e-commerce. When developing interactive agents, companies must take into account not only the functionality, but also the users’ need to establish a social relationship with chatbots. The aim of this article is to explore users’ experiences related to their interaction with Emma, the shopping assistant chatbot, and the factors that support and hinder the satisfaction of users’ social relationship needs related to chatbots. The results revealed that the satisfaction of users’ social relationship needs related to chatbots was supported by the chatbot’s polite behaviour and ability to answer basic personal questions to get to know her, but the lack of specific reactions to users’ negative feelings hindered the chatbot’s perception as a social actor.
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