The changing meaning and meaningfulness of work through sensemaking
A systematic literature review
meaning of work, meaningful work, job crafting, sensemaking, systematic literature reviewAbstract
The fourth industrial revolution, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic crisis are generating major changes in the way people work, subsequently affecting its meaning and meaningfulness. In this literature review, the authors examine how research conducted between 2000 and 2022 explored the impact of disruptive events on the meaning and meaningfulness of individuals’ work. Using a systematic literature review method, 18 empirical studies were analysed. The main characteristics of meaningfulness were identified, most of which were associated with positive concepts: positive value, impact, or feeling. Research has mainly examined the impact of negative events. The results suggest that both negative and positive feedback have an impact on the experience of meaningfulness at work, triggering a sensemaking process. The work environment and the manager play a crucial role in ensuring that negative or ambivalent feedback also leads to an increase in meaningfulness at work.
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