A diákkori csapatversenyek hatása a munkahelyi versenyszituációkban tanúsított magatartásrra empirikus vizsgálat alapján





competition, success, failure, competitiveness


Among the fundamental concepts of economics perhaps competitiveness is discussed the most in scientific literature. Each author addresses a different aspect of it. However, authors they rarely deal with the direct relationship between workplace rivalry and participation in sports. The current paper analyses this question in the framework of a research study based on a questionnaire drawn up by the authors. The authors search for the impact of team sports performed during childhood on behaviour observable in adulthood competitive situations in the workplace. While doing so, they grouped the respondents under demographic characteristics on the one hand, and on the basis of educational achievement and working position on the other hand. The present investigation focused on childhood and adulthood motivations for competing. Significant relationships between them have been clearly demonstrated. The authors have verified that some of the circumstances incentivising school-age children to compete still prevail in adulthood. In addition, the phenomenon of motivations turning from external to internal has also been observed and change in the opposite direction can be observed as well. The results show both the importance of researching this area and the practical usefulness of the experiences.


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Author Biographies

Tímea Juhász, Budapest Business School

Senior Research Fellow

Arnold Tóth, Budapest Business School

Associate Professor

Botond Kálmán, Eötvös Loránd University

MA student


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How to Cite

Juhász, T., Tóth, A., & Kálmán, B. (2020). A diákkori csapatversenyek hatása a munkahelyi versenyszituációkban tanúsított magatartásrra empirikus vizsgálat alapján. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(12), 72–84. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.12.06



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