Brand avoidance behaviour of Gen Z towards fast fashion brands
anti-consumption, brand avoidance, generation Z, multidimensional scaling, MDS, fast fashionAbstract
Most research into consumer behaviour and branding focuses on the reasons why people choose certain products and brands. Research related to anti-consumption emphasises the opposite: its aim is to explore reasons behind the rejection of different products, brands, or even consumption as such. Relevance of this issue is not negligible: knowing what consumers do not want (and why) is at least as important as knowing what they do want (and why). Survey results, related to the five categories of brand avoidance – experience avoidance, identity avoidance, moral avoidance, deficitvalue avoidance and advertising – provide the input for the methodology of multidimensional scaling, aiming to identify sets of variables which are commonly responsible for brand avoidance. The of the research lies in its scope including all five categories of brand avoidance, which have not been tested in this comprehensive way in the fast fashion apparel industry before. The use of multidimensional scaling for analysing the aspects of brand avoidance is also unique. Its main
added value is to provide an explainable picture of variables which “stand together” in shaping brand avoidance behaviour related to fast fashion. In addition, the clustering of respondents sheds light on the dominant features of those variables, in case of the brand avoidance behaviour of Gen Z.
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