Az online vásárlási térben szerzett tapasztalatokból eredő márkaelkerülés vizsgálata a fast fashion márkák példáján keresztül
brand avoidance, fast fashion, online shoppingAbstract
This study explores the problems which may lead to fast fashion brand avoidance in the online shopping environment. Reasons behind brand avoidance were identified via content analysis, based on negative feedback on the Trustpilot product evaluation forum. During the pandemic, when companies often have no choice but to strengthen their online presence, it is crucial to be aware of what leads to brand avoidance in consumers’ online shopping experience. Previous literature has identified the aspects of consumer satisfaction and consumer dissatisfaction of online shopping. However, it is yet to be determined which ones have a role in brand avoidance behaviour in the online shopping environment. Feedback from 146 people helped identify the following reasons for online brand avoidance: technical issues, provision of incomplete or misleading information, difficulties with product delivery or product return, non-delivered goods, the delivered product is not in accordance with the expected one, non-compliant compensation, and poor customer service.
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