Key drivers of business process innovation

The role of strategic focuses and product innovation




business strategy, business process innovation, process innovation, organisational innovation, marketing innovation


In this paper, the authors examine how and to what extent various strategic focuses of companies as well as product innovation influence business process innovation (BPI) outcomes in manufacturing companies. This empirical study is based on a large-scale representative sample of 4,000 Hungarian manufacturing companies using the 2016 version of the Community Innovation Survey. The results suggest that larger firms and prospector business strategy have higher BPI outcomes. Empirical findings indicate that the prospector strategy-led strategic focus on new products and new customer groups has a significant positive effect on BPI outcomes. On the contrary, the focus on low-price, customer-specific solutions, and improved products has no significant relationship with BPI outcomes. Furthermore, product innovation only amplifies the relationship between specific strategy focuses and BPI does not directly drive it.


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Author Biographies

Krisztina Demeter, Corvinus University of Budapest


Detrin Qerimi, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD student

Dávid Losonci , Corvinus University of Budapest

associate professor

Tibor Keresztély, Corvinus University of Budapest

associate professor


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How to Cite

Demeter, K., Qerimi, D., Losonci , D., & Keresztély, T. (2023). Key drivers of business process innovation: The role of strategic focuses and product innovation. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(11), 15–27.



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