Webrooming és showrooming Magyarországon

Omnichannel vásárlói magatartás a sportcikkek piacán





omnichannel shopping behaviour, showrooming, webrooming


Customers’ purchase processes have become dynamic and digital. On the retailers’ side, there are endless opportunities and means to combine different channels and contact points to provide a seamless customer experience. The authors focused on omnichannel shopper behaviour across channels in the product category of sporting goods. This research assesses the prevalence of two behaviours: webrooming and showrooming. Results of a CAWI survey with 1000 respondents show that webrooming is the most preferred customer journey type, which means that respondents like looking for information on the Internet, but prefer to use the physical stores for purchasing goods. Furthermore, five major shopper segments could be identified, where omni-shoppers are present and prefer both webrooming and showrooming. These customers are at the core of future retail and their preferences and characteristics are important not only for academic, but also for practical reasons.


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Author Biographies

Ákos Nagy, University of Pécs

Assistant Professor

Péter Németh, University of Pécs

Assistant Professor

Ildikó Kemény, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor

Krisztián Szűcs, University of Pécs

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Nagy, Ákos, Németh, P., Kemény, I., & Szűcs, K. (2022). Webrooming és showrooming Magyarországon: Omnichannel vásárlói magatartás a sportcikkek piacán. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(7), 79–93. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.07.07



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