Hogyan írjunk vonzó álláshirdetést?
A legfontosabb jelentkezést befolyásoló tényezők feltárása álláshirdetések értékelemzésén keresztül
signalling theory, job advertisements, willingness to apply, value analysis, value engineeringAbstract
The information asymmetry that appears in job advertisements creates a special situation between the advertising company and the candidates applying. In management literature, signalling theory is given a prominent role in strategic management and HR management. For businesses, designing the attributes of job advertisements is of particular importance in finding the best-skilled employees. In addition, knowledge of the characteristics and job search habits of young workers is necessary for a successful job posting process. The study aims to provide a basis for the development of a value proposition in job advertisements so that job advertisers can identify the points to be developed by incorporating the needs of job seekers. The results show that in contrast to advertisements, the importance of an attractive employer brand is of great importance for the employees. The authors used value analysis to identify the most effective and value-bearing functions which have been represented by value planning.
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