A növekedéssel kapcsolatos kihívások és kontextuális kettős képesség

A felső vezetők (TMT) integráltságának vizsgálata





contextual ambidexterity, growing pains, Top Management Team (TMT)


Adaptation and growth require an organization that is able to handle contradictions: stability and renewal, exploitation and exploration. Researchers have suggested that firms must seek to achieve some form of ambidexterity (simultaneous exploration and exploitation). Top managers play an extremely important role in facilitating ambidexterity by creating a supportive organizational context. This study examines how the integration of the top management team affects the presence of “growing pains”, i.e., perceived symptoms of organizational dysfunctions created by excessive growth. The pilot results of a large-scale survey show that firms with disintegrated management have significantly higher levels of stress, disorganization, and tensions. Authors surveyed Hungarian firm’s top managers, with each firm in the sample providing three top managers, then cluster analysis and paired independent T-tests were conducted.


Author Biographies

Dávid Taródy, Corvinus University of Budapest

Senior Assistant Lecturer

Adrienn Ferincz, Corvinus University of Budapest

Assistant Lecturer

Zoltán Kárpáti, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Taródy, D., Ferincz, A., & Kárpáti, Z. (2021). A növekedéssel kapcsolatos kihívások és kontextuális kettős képesség: A felső vezetők (TMT) integráltságának vizsgálata. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(8-9), 34–47. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.09.03



Studies and Articles