The role of professionalisation in the competitiveness of domestic medium-sized family firms
family firms, non-family businesses, competitiveness, professionalisation, resource-based viewAbstract
This study aims to examine the role of professionalisation in the competitiveness of medium-sized family and non-family firms in Hungary. Many domestic studies have looked at the competitiveness of SMEs, but few have distinguished among them based on ownership. This research builds on the professionalisation of family firms and resource-based theory, exploring the different resource and capability combinations of family and non-family firms and their different types of strategies in terms of competitiveness. The authors identified variables related to professionalisation on the database of the Competitiveness Research Centre at Corvinus University of Budapest, on which they conducted principal component and then cluster analysis. The results obtained were compared with the Firm Competitiveness Index. The results show that family firms focus on their relationship building, knowledge management and innovation capabilities, while their nonfamily competitors focus on operational excellence and leadership capabilities to reach a higher competitiveness index.
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