Családi vállalatok professzionalizálódása
Szisztematikus szakirodalmi áttekintés
family business, professionalization, impetuses, impediments, multidimensional modelAbstract
The number of papers on the analysis of family businesses has increased significantly in recent years, showing the pressing relevance of the topic. In the life of a national economy, family businesses occupy a prominent place, both in terms of their contribution to the economy and the added value they produce. However, less attention has been paid to the professionalization of family businesses and to the exploration and presentation of the related literature. In this context, professionalization initially meant nothing more than hiring someone outside of family as a manager. Yet, the content of professionalization has expanded, and a multidimensional model has evolved; the aim of this study is to present the most important international literature on professionalization and to provide a comprehensive overview of the studies that have been published. The literature review mainly summarizes the results of the last twenty years and closely related articles.
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