A neuromarketing aktuális helyzete és a mintaelemszámra vonatkozó kihívásai, különös tekintettel a szemkamerás mérésekre
neuromarketing, observational methods, eye tracking, sample size, reliabilityAbstract
One of the neuromarketing particularities is that it can be classified as qualitative and quantitative research technique since the number of participants is more closely related to qualitative sample sizes, however, the huge amount of measured data allow us to analyze them quantitatively. This summary focuses on the evaluation of a special type of observation, namely eye tracking methodology, particularly on to define the appropriate sample size. This method is based on the detection of eye movements to measure unconscious reactions, along with its great advantage that is it can provide reliable statistical results with a low sample size due to the similarity of the brain mechanism. These results can be interpreted in connection with the behavior of a specific target group. The author attempts to summarize the literature recommendations about the appropriate sample size in eye tracking projects if reliability is a relevant aspect.
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