Technológiaelfogadás a felsőoktatásban
Az interakcióigény és az önszabályozás hatása az online tanulási szándékra
technology acceptance, online education, UTAUT-2, personal characteristicsAbstract
In the spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced higher education stakeholders worldwide to introduce distance learning, which made it necessary to adopt entirely new teaching and learning strategies. This research explores the personal characteristics, which influence the acceptance of online education, such as the need for personal interaction or the ability for self-regulated learning. In this quantitative research, the authors used data collected from 307 higher education students via an online questionnaire to test their hypotheses. Structural equation modelling (SEM) showed that performance expectancy and hedonic motivation variables (UTAUT-2) directly affected online learning intentions, whereas this was indirectly influenced by self-regulated learning and need for interaction variables. Ultimately, the effort expectancy (UTAUT-2) variable had a non-significant effect on the endogenous variable, while the five constructs explained the intention to use online learning with a variance of 66.4%.
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