Mobile technology acceptance in the world of smart hotels
smart hotel, technology acceptance, COVID-19Abstract
COVID-19 severely affected the hotel sector worldwide, and simultaneously highlighted the necessity of contactless service provision. The perception of interactions previously common in hotel service has changed, which may positively influence the acceptance of automated service forms. By leveraging the theoretical synergies of self-service technologies and smart hotels, the authors’ research intends to provide a fresh approach to the literature on consumer adoption of mobile technology in the hotel environment. In this study, they examined potential travellers’ acceptance of mobile technology-based self-service in hotels, which is ideally suited to reduce COVID-19 concerns. A covariance-based SEM method was used to test their theoretical model, which was constructed on the foundations of the TAM model. Their main finding is that the need for smart hotel service arising from COVID 19 does not support the adoption of smart hotels in the long term.
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