Hazai kis- és középvállalkozások weboldalainak vizsgálata egy újszerű értékelési rendszer használatával
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), online marketing, websites, website evaluationAbstract
The aim of the paper is to review the characteristics of SME websites regarding both their content and design aspects. 252 firms were examined, of which 146 (58%) had websites. After the observation and analysis, we concluded that their online presence needs to improve, since the average evaluation score was only 64 out of 100 points. However, one positive finding was that the biggest cluster achieved an above average score. The evaluating system can be a useful method for examining websites, which can provide information not only on the whole site, but also on its content, user experience, design, or technological aspects. Thus, the paper recommends that it should be available for all enterprises.
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