A vállalatok hozzájárulása a fogyasztók ontológiai biztonságérzetéhez
corporate security responsibility (CSecR), psychological security, consumers’ ontological security, consumers’ perceived securityAbstract
As a consequence of the ongoing discourse on the interpretation of the concept of security, the abstract interpretation of it, which is linked to national borders and narrowed down to national security, has fundamentally changed. Since the 1990s, as a counterpoint to the traditional state-oriented security policy approach, paradigms have emerged that emphasise the legitimacy of human and personal security, on the basis of which security can be defined as a subjective, individual perception. The psychological dimensions of security, comprising the components of ontological security, have come under scientific interest. The subsequent aim of this paper is to identify how consumers perceive the contribution of companies in accordance with their overall sense of security, what security-related tasks they expect from business actors, and how they relate to the performance of companies in this area, constructing an ontological model of consumers’ perception of security.
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