A magyarországi vállalatok digitális képessége a pandémia előtt





digitalization, digital transformation, digital capabilities, corporate competitiveness, Hungarian SME sector


Based on the 2019 Corvinus University of Budapest competitiveness survey, this paper examines the digitalization capabilities of Hungarian companies. The theoretical background defines the concepts of digitalization and digital transformation, covering the role of technology and strategy in digital transformation. The analysis groups the sampled companies into five clusters based on the leadership preparedness, awareness and planning, skills and resources, and openness and responsiveness factors of digitalization readiness. The paper presents the IT background and goals of the companies that drive the digitalization, also pointing out the differences between clusters. It compares five digitalization areas across clusters: digitalization in managerial decisions, supplier relationships, production and service delivery, customer relationships, and products and services. Based on analysis of the digitalization readiness and digital initiatives of the clusters, the study concludes that digital capabilities are evolving in parallel with digitalization projects.


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Author Biography

Péter Móricz, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Móricz, P. (2022). A magyarországi vállalatok digitális képessége a pandémia előtt. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(3), 2–18. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.03.01



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