Lépések a kognitív automatizáció felé

Digitális átalakulás egy magyarországi üzleti szolgáltatóközpontban





business services centre, digitalization, process automation, artificial intelligence, shared services


In the last ten years, the Hungarian business services sector has showed steady growth in these years of both crisis and prosperity and thus has become an essential segment of the national economy. Business services centres, mostly internationally owned key players of the industry, have already been affected by the imminent technological revolution. These companies are pioneers many times over in using advanced technologies to meet the double requirements of low operational costs and high service standards. In this paper, the authors explore digital transformation to see how the use of advanced technologies changes the operational processes of business services centres. Based on their empirical research, they present the digital transformation projects of a Hungary-based business services centre in their case study. The authors introduce the main motives of digital transformation, as well as technologies and aspects of organizational culture that promote this change. Lessons learned from the case study may be extended to other actors of the industry and raise new questions for scholars and practitioners interested in digital transformation.


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Author Biographies

Róbert Marciniak, Corvinus University of Budapest

Senior Lecturer

Péter Móricz, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor

Máté Baksa, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD student


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How to Cite

Marciniak, R., Móricz, P., & Baksa, M. (2020). Lépések a kognitív automatizáció felé: Digitális átalakulás egy magyarországi üzleti szolgáltatóközpontban. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(6), 42–55. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.06.05



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