Key moments of three decades of Hungarian HR development, in light of internationally comparable practices


  • Zsuzsa Karoliny Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar
  • József Poór Selye János Egyetem, Komárom (Szlovákia), Szent István Egyetem (Gödöllő)


comparative HRM, international HRM, universalist and contextual paradigm, convergence-divergence


Attributes as well as management and functioning of organisations of the ex-socialist countries, including Hungary, in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) have changed drastically since the major societal and economic reforms of three decades ago. Our study examines the changes in management of human resources, the practices of its systems and functions and its actors, based on the longitudinal analysis of empirical databases of two research networks (Cranet and CEEIRT), making international comparisons. We aim to contribute to the goals of the special edition on the 50th anniversary of Vezetéstudomány with this, pointing at the changes in approach of comparative international HR, giving a historical overview of Hungary’s HR practice, its changing or stabile key elements that match or diverge from the CEE region or global solutions.


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Author Biographies

Zsuzsa Karoliny, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar

Vezetés- és Szervezéstudományi Intézet

Department of Business and Economics

egyetemi magántanár

József Poór, Selye János Egyetem, Komárom (Szlovákia), Szent István Egyetem (Gödöllő)

egyetemi tanár


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How to Cite

Karoliny, Z., & Poór, J. (2019). Key moments of three decades of Hungarian HR development, in light of internationally comparable practices. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 50(12). Retrieved from



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