A tudáskérés és tudásmegosztás feltételei
Egy szervezeti tudáshálózat elemzése
szervezeti hálózatkutatás, tudáshálózat, tudáskérés, tudásmegosztásAbstract
As a growing number of organizations are engaged in the knowledge economy, innovation is becoming an essential element of success. Innovation is almost always the product of collective thinking, cooperation, and co-creation. Thus, instead of examining particularly talented individuals, many researchers focus on analyzing networks of people possessing different knowledge, skills, and abilities. Knowledge networks are interconnected systems of actors who aim to share knowledge and generate new knowledge through a combination of knowledge elements. The authors argue for the advantages of a network perspective in the study of advice-seeking and knowledge sharing. Based on relevant literature, they introduce factors influencing advice-seeking and knowledge sharing behavior in organizations. The authors carried out their empirical research in a management consultancy company based in Budapest, Hungary. This paper concludes that perceived expertise is the most essential prerequisite of successful knowledge sharing in the examined organization.
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