A hazai vállalati szféra környezeti teljesítménye a nemzetközi tendenciák tükrében





sustainable development, resource efficiency, condition of ecosystems in Hungary, environmental condition of Hungary, environmental management, corporate responsibility


 The environmental performance of the Hungarian corporate sector has developed enormously over the last 30 years since the transition to a market economy started. A shift in the structure of the economy, the increasing availability of state-of-the-art technological solutions and the spread of contemporary management techniques made it possible for Hungarian enterprises to fulfil the requirements of ever stricter legal regulations and international customer expectations. However, in spite of the favourable tendencies, Hungarian enterprises are lagging behind their European counterparts in some fields and changes in the state of the natural environment also call for more substantial action. In this article the authors make an effort to provide an overview of the environmental performance of the Hungarian corporate sector using three important aspects: the eco-efficiency of production processes, the effects of industrial processes on the state of the natural environment and the use of environmental management tools. Their conclusions draw the attention to results achieved over the last decades, but also make it possible to identify the most important fields for potential improvement so that the environmental performance of Hungarian companies can be further developed.


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Author Biographies

Gyula Zilahy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Full Professor

Anna Széchy, Corvinus University of Budapest

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Zilahy, G., & Széchy, A. (2020). A hazai vállalati szféra környezeti teljesítménye a nemzetközi tendenciák tükrében. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(1), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.01.05



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