Pricing carbon emissions

from theoretical foundations to corporate practice




 climate policy , the price of carbon dioxide,  internal price,  corporate carbon pricing


Climate economists have long been concerned with setting the price of carbon emissions, which can provide a good basis for making climate policy decisions and be an effective incentive to reduce emissions. Nowadays, more and more countries have to pay for carbon emissions in the form of taxes or quota purchases, and the so-called internal carbon pricing of emissions has appeared and is spreading rapidly in the environmental management tools of large companies. This article provides an overview of the theory and practice of carbon pricing, its different applications and price developments. Official prices are expected to move closer to economically ‘correct’ values as climate policy tightens, and the main goal of corporate carbon pricing is to prepare companies for these changes. This article shows where this process is currently taking place.


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Author Biographies

Zsófia Nemes, Corvinus University of Budapest

assistant lecturer

Anna Széchy, Corvinus University of Budapest

associate professor


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How to Cite

Nemes, Z., & Széchy, A. (2023). Pricing carbon emissions: from theoretical foundations to corporate practice. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(2), 40–52.



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