Investigation of tourism demand and country-brand value correlations

Statistical analysis of the impact of visits




sustainability, travel and tourism, country image, global competitiveness indicator


This study explores how tourism data correlates with a country’s brand value, analyzing public databases with statistical methods. The country brand reflects foreign perception, acceptance, and esteem, often impacting tourism. While popular brand indexes assess tourism perception, they typically exclude actual tourist arrival numbers. Previous research suggests that a higher brand value attracts more foreign visitors, but few have investigated if visitor numbers directly influence brand value. This study confirms a significant correlation and suggests a causal link between brand value and tourist arrivals, though some uncertainty remains. This initial study aims to test the feasibility of this question for future research.


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Author Biographies

Botond Géza Kálmán, Kodolányi János University

associate professor

Judit Grotte, Kodolányi János University

college professor

Zsuzsanna Zugor, Kodolányi János University

assistant lecturer

Szilárd Malatyinszki, Kodolányi János University

associate professor


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How to Cite

Kálmán, B. G., Grotte, J., Zugor, Z., & Malatyinszki, S. (2025). Investigation of tourism demand and country-brand value correlations: Statistical analysis of the impact of visits. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 56(2), 45–54.



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