Survey of financial reporting stakeholders in Hungary in 2023
stakeholders, financial report, pollution, social differencesAbstract
In a questionnaire survey, the author sought to find out how independent individuals feel about their role as stakeholders in the financial reports of a large multinational company and a small Hungarian company. A total of 277 evaluated respondents completed the questionnaire. The results indicated that respondents believe global corporations should demonstrate through their financial reports the impact of their activities on the natural environment and social (wealth, income) disparities, which are the two main impacts. However, they do not hold small companies’ accounting systems responsible for these impacts. Respondents typically perceive themselves as stakeholders in the context of the two main impacts mentioned. Regardless of whether or not they feel they are stakeholders and they consider large companies to be responsible for the two main impacts, respondents see the role of the large company accounting system as being to present these environmental and social impacts.
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