Methodological issues of accruals, changes in 2018–2021 in Hungary and consequences of their abandonment
accruals, prepayments, matching principle, accrual accountingAbstract
The authors sought to determine whether the definitions of the principle of accruals and prepayments were decisive in creating an image of financial position, and whether their omission could be significantly considered in the decisions of users of a financial report. After a brief historical introduction, they reviewed two special groups, those preparing micro-business reports and church legal entities, which did not or just partially applied accruals, and they also considered their auditing aspects. The authors used the National Tax Authority’s database compiled on the basis of corporate tax returns among Hungarian companies in 2018–2021, using descriptive statistical methods to analyse the change of the stock of accruals. The results showed that the resolution of imaging would distort the result: temporal resolution was necessary to determine the exact period result. Their absence was only an issue if the economic events underlying the training did not coincidentally affect the period.
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