A mesterséges intelligencia és a digitalizáció hatása a logisztikai munkakörökre
Veszélyben vannak-e a munkahelyek?
artificial intelligence, logistics 4.0, labour market, freight forwardingAbstract
Industry 4.0 has already been studied extensively in the Budapest Management Review. In this study, the authors examine the impact of this phenomenon on logistics, specifically Logistics 4.0, on freight forwarding from labour market perspective. Freight management is currently undergoing a radical transformation, with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and thus the partial or complete automation of tasks posing a significant threat to these jobs in the future. Their aim is to examine the extent to which the various white-collar freight forwarder jobs are exposed to the threat of automation. They use text analysis to analyse occupational descriptions from the National Employment Service and find that the managerial tasks of freight forwarding are not at risk only partial automation is possible. Using regression analysis, they proved that jobs with low educational attainment and earning potential are more at risk of automation, and jobs typically held by men are also more likely to fall into this category.
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