A társadalmi vállalkozásokat fejlesztő szervezetek fejlesztési folyamatai és eszközei





social enterprise, development organizations, business model, social business model, consulting


The focus of the research is on the tools, business models, and type of improvement processes used by social enterprise development organizations. The article is based on expert interviews, which are provided by the selected development organizations. In the research, Hungarian social enterprise development organizations were identified, including business consultant organizations and incubator houses. Two types of development processes were distinguished, those that are specialized in initial-phase social enterprises and those that are specialized in established social enterprises. The developers select the tools and business models, which they use according to the level of development of the domestic market, which currently aims to enable social entrepreneurs to understand the importance of the business approach and how it works as quickly as possible and to outline and use different tools easily, thus supporting the expansion of social entrepreneurship business knowledge.


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Author Biography

Noémi Krátki, Corvinus University of Budapest

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Krátki, N. (2022). A társadalmi vállalkozásokat fejlesztő szervezetek fejlesztési folyamatai és eszközei. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(6), 52–64. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.06.05



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