FinTech és blockklánc alapú megoldások alkalmazási lehetőségei a zöld pénzügyekben
green finance, sustainable finance, ESG, fintech, blockchain, innovationAbstract
In connection with climate protection efforts, green finance is receiving increasing attention, the primary goal of which is to finance sustainability-related objectives and projects. However, the spread of green finance is hampered by several factors. The increasingly intensive digital transformation and new technologies can greatly support the development of green finance. This article presents two fintech – green robo-advisors, green crowdfunding – and two blockchain-based solutions – peer-to-peer financing and investment, and peer-to-peer trading and exchange platforms user-to-user financ- ing and investment and user-to-user trading platforms – that can support the spread of green finance. Overall, the solutions examined facilitate access to finance, expand the investor base, including small investors and private equity, and offer new financing mechanisms to green project owners. Moreover, the solutions discussed could help to reduce barriers to the spread of green finance, especially financial ones.
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