A társas tanulás eredményei a fenntartható fogyasztást előmozdító budapesti gyakorlatközösségekben
social learning, sustainable consumption, communities of practice, qualitative researchAbstract
To address the challenges of sustainable living, there has been a growing role for communities that are organized on a practice basis. This paper examines the characteristics of the learning methods applied by communities of practice (CoPs) in Budapest to foster sustainable consumption and determine how these learning mechanisms support participants to develop a sustainable lifestyle. To answer the questions, an explorative research design based on qualitative methods was applied. The in-depth interviews were conducted in two consecutive waves. In the first phase, expert interviews were conducted, followed by a second phase involving 20 additional interviews with members of active communities related to ecological and social sustainability. Based on the characteristics of knowledge sharing, there were equally identifiable types of cases in the examined communities, representing one-, two- and three-loop learning, and the learning takes place both on an individual and a collective level. By examining the direction and orientation of learning, it was also found that building and strengthening community consciousness and the existence of multi-loop learning mechanisms contribute to a convergent and constructive social learning outcome.
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