Az Ipar 4.0 implementációval kapcsolatos vezetői motivációk és akadályozó tényezők elemzése hazai vállalatvezetők véleménye alapján
attitude, Industry 4.0, labour force, motivationAbstract
Internet, social media, digital transformation, Internet of Things, smart technologies and artificial intelligence are increasingly part of people’s lives. Automation and robotics are the key factors for Industry 4.0. Companies are now facing the challenge of integrating artificial intelligence and robots into their workforce by encouraging employees to work with their ‘robotic teammates’. A few studies have examined attitudes towards these new technologies. This study summarises the first part of a major research project that aims to reveal the attitudes and perceptions of company leaders towards digital transformation and Industry 4.0. The research is based on qualitative interviews with Hungarian managers. The main findings show that there is a great amount of uncertainty towards the upcoming changes in the world of work and a bit of anxiety as well, but as the change unfolds, the companies become more and more confident and willing to apply the new technologies.
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