Sportfunkciókkal kapcsolatos preferenciák a magyar atlétikában
athletics, stakeholder management, sport functions, preferencesAbstract
Sport has undergone major changes in recent decades. It is a significant challenge for Hungarian professional sports to be successful from both a professional and economic point of view, which is also influenced by the preferences of those involved. Based on a stakeholder approach, the study analyses the stakeholder relationships involved in athletics, which is treated as a major sport. The study examines the preferential differences of the internal stakeholder groups of Hungarian professional athletics clubs through different sporting functions. The qualitative phase of the research explored the stakeholder structure of athletics in the form of mini-focus group interviews (H1) and facilitated the discovery of attitudes and possible preferences. The second phase of the research was based on a large sample survey involving the identified stakeholder groups. Factor analysis was used to verify the sports functions comprising the sport (H2) and their different levels of appearance in the stakeholder groups (H3).
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