Az autentikus vezetés jellemzőinek vizsgálata hazai felső vezetők élettörténetében




authentic leadership, life story, content analysis


Authentic leadership responds to current complex expectations. Despite the growing number of publications to appear on this topic worldwide, there are only a few relevant Hungarian studies. Filling this gap, this paper examines the characteristics of authentic leaders based on content analysis of semi-structured life story interviews with twenty Hungarian CEOs. The results reinforced that these characteristics can be examined by analysing life story narratives. They also revealed that CEOs have significant authentic leader characteristics: they possess rigorous values and act in accordance with them, their attitude indicates sensibility towards society and their surroundings and they make an effort to interpret and internalise significant elements of their life stories. Based on the results, further research is suggested for a more detailed analysis of narratives and life stories from control groups. The interpretation and internalisation of life stories can be an effective tool for the development and coaching of leaders in the future.


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Author Biographies

Gabriella Cserháti, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor

Nóra Obermayer, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor

Beáta Fehérvölgyi, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor

Tibor Csizmadia, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Cserháti, G., Obermayer, N., Fehérvölgyi, B., & Csizmadia, T. (2021). Az autentikus vezetés jellemzőinek vizsgálata hazai felső vezetők élettörténetében. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(4), 109–121.



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