„Kódexem, kódexem, mondd meg nékem...”
Etikaikódex-fejlesztési folyamat egy magyar egyetemen
code of ethics, higher education (HE), business school, stakeholder involvementAbstract
Several studies in the literature of business ethics and corporate social responsibility address the topic of how companies develop codes of ethics or codes of conduct, with the aim of guiding and supporting internal and external stakeholders in ethically questionable situations. Surprisingly, few theoretical and practical works have focused on how business schools, which educate future business actors and universities in general, shape their institutional and organizational practices, including why and how they develop and implement codes of ethics. In this paper, the authors present and analyse the development process of the code of ethics at a Hungarian university, which provides a significant part of business education (Budapest Business School), with special regard to the advantages and disadvantages of the applied methods and tools, as well as the importance of stakeholder involvement. They believe that the development process can offer interesting learning points for large organizations and especially for universities that want to improve their ethical institutional system.
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