Vaktában vállalkozni?

Fogyatékossággal élő vállalkozók a hazai munkaerőpiacon




entrepreneurship, people with disabilities, entrepreneurial ecosystem


The first Hungarian empirical research study on this topic has been designed to explore the challenges, obstacles and supporting factors faced by entrepreneurs with disabilities in Hungary. In 2018, the authors conducted semi-structured interviews with ten entrepreneurs with disabilities: based on these, personal characteristics, identity and family support play an important role in the start and development of these businesses, while the Hungarian entrepreneurial ecosystem around them is generally not favourable. The authors would like to draw attention to the importance of research into issues related to entrepreneurship and people with disabilities, and to formulate proposals for inclusive business development.


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Author Biographies

Sára Csillag, Budapest Business School

Associate Professor

Zsuzsanna Győri, Budapest Business School

Associate Professor

Carmen Svastics, Eötvös Loránd University



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How to Cite

Csillag, S., Győri, Z., & Svastics, C. (2020). Vaktában vállalkozni? Fogyatékossággal élő vállalkozók a hazai munkaerőpiacon. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(4), 26–39.



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