A magyar startup-vállalkozások túlélését és növekedését befolyásoló tényezők
Szakértői interjúk tapasztalatai
startup, survival, development, expert interviewAbstract
The majority of startup companies die and survivors are often unable to grow dynamically. The main objective of the article is twofold. Firstly it reviews the related international literature supported by empirical research and summarizes the factors influencing the survival and growth of startups. Secondly it presents the main findings of the qualitative interviews conducted with recognized experts of Hungarian startup ecosystem. The results shows that there is little overlap in factors influencing the survival and growth of startup companies identified in international literature and among the factors mentioned by the Hungarian experts. However, international literature and domestic results equally emphasize that entrepreneurial knowledge acquired through education, internationalization and acquisitions are significant determinants of startup companies’ success.
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