Nomen est omen: roma diplomás nővel szembeni diszkrimináció Magyarországon


  • Nikolett Olasz Corvinus University of Budapest



discrimination, Roma, minority, job opportunities, employment, field experiment


Despite the age-old presence of the Roma society in Hungary, the Roma issue is only a few decades old. One of the main elements is Roma integration into the labor market. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted that investigated the disposition opportunities of woman, with a typical minority background indicator family name. The experiment focus was on Roma minority group. This paper introduces the result of the field experiment that includes job applications of two fictitious women with exactly the same qualifications and work experience were sent out for job advertisement and head-hunter companies: One of them has a typical Hungarian name, the other one has a typical Roma name. Both curricula vitae had exactly the same photos of the applicant, since one of the requirements of the job applications is to attach photos to the resume. This study found significant levels of discrimination against Roma women in labor markets.


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Author Biography

Nikolett Olasz, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD student


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How to Cite

Olasz, N. (2020). Nomen est omen: roma diplomás nővel szembeni diszkrimináció Magyarországon. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(4), 40–50.



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