A piramis csúcsa?
Esettanulmányokra épülő oktatás és a nemzetközi versenyek
case method, case competition, decision making, talent management, business and management, undergraduate international case competitionsAbstract
Case-based education as part of business and management education was introduced by delivering management best practices to first graduate then undergraduate business students in the United States. Case solving today is a wide-spread educational method in business schools around the world. One of the method’s main advantages is that it simultaneously develops students’ skills in three areas: the application of knowledge in real-world business situations; the ability to perceive business context and connect it with theoretical knowledge; and the development of problem solving and related presentation skills. International academic-based case competitions showcase student performance and signal the quality of their educational background. The Corvinus Business School at the Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) adopted the US-based business schools case-based education in the 1990s, and since then it has attended international business competitions. This purpose of this paper is to provide a systemic overview of a case-based business and management education, its adaptation for bachelor level programmes and international case competitions in Hungary. The aim is to orient and facilitate further research in this field.
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